Privacy policy

Table of Contents:

  • 1 General Information
  • 2 Personal data administrator
  • 3 Data collection and the purpose of their processing
  • 4 Categories of personal data
  • 5 Recipients of personal data
  • 6 Archiving of personal data
  • 7 Permissions, accessing and updating personal data, complaints
  • 8 Data processing in an automated manner, cookies policy
  • 9 Changes to the Privacy Policy




  1. The privacy policy of the Online Store is not a source of obligations for the Visitor (including the Guest) and the Customer of the Online Store. It is informative, it is not a contract or regulation.


  1. All expressions and words written with a capital letter (eg. Online Store, Customer, etc.) should be understood in accordance with the Regulations of the Online Store.


  1. In the event of any discrepancies between this Privacy Policy and consents to the processing of personal data provided by a natural person, the legal basis for determining the scope of the Administrator's activities are voluntarily expressed consents or legal provisions that apply to a given factual situation.




  1. The administrator of your personal data is Arkadiusz Pasch, who conducts business under the name ARKADIUSZ PASCH, with its registered office at ul. Kardynała Wyszyńskiego 2/9, 64-400 Międzychód, entered into the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, NIP: 5951380631, REGON: 300491840.


  1. Arkadiusz Pasch is the Data Protection Officer at ARKADIUSZ PASCH. In all matters related to the protection of personal data, please contact us at the above address or via the e-mail address:


  1. You can also send a request to the address provided to provide information about what personal data we have about you and for what purposes we process it.


  1. The administrator informs that he stores correspondence for statistical purposes and in order to improve the assistance system in the field of GDPR, as well as in the field of complaint settlements and possible decisions on administrative interventions in the indicated Customer Account made on the basis of notifications. Addresses and data collected in this way will not be used for communication for purposes other than the implementation of the application, in particular they will not be used for marketing purposes and transferred to third parties.


  1. In the event of contact with the Administrator in order to perform specific activities (e.g. submitting a complaint, making a return), the Administrator may again request the person to provide data, including personal data, e.g. in the form of name, surname, address, e-mail address. - e-mail to confirm her identity and enable return contact in a given case and perform the requested action. Providing this data is not obligatory, but it may be necessary to perform activities or obtain information that is of interest to a given person.


  1. If you have given additional consent to our use of cookies, our trusted partners may also be the data controllers obtained on the basis of your activity on the Internet.




  1. We process personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC, ( hereinafter: GDPR) and other currently applicable provisions of the law on the protection of personal data, at the time of processing certain data.


  1. In accordance with the content of the aforementioned legal acts, personal data is considered information about an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is a person who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular on the basis of an identifier such as name and surname, identification number, location data, internet identifier or one or more specific physical, physiological, genetic, mental factors, the economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person.


  1. We ensure that the data obtained from you is confidential, secure and processed only when it is necessary. We process data in accordance with the law, in a fair and transparent manner for the data subject. We process only such data and only with such content that is necessary due to the legitimate purpose, i.e. the reason for processing. Personal data is collected with due diligence and properly protected against access by unauthorized persons. We use appropriate and adequate security measures and the state of technical knowledge to protect personal data against accidental loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. We store personal data in a way that enables the identification of the data subject for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed.


  1. The administrator obtains information about personal data in the following way:
  2. a) by making a purchase in the Online Store by the Customer;
  3. b) by registering a Customer Account;
  4. c) by voluntarily subscribing to the newsletter service;
  5. d) by posting an opinion about the product;
  6. e) by entering a comment on the Website;
  7. f) by voluntarily entered information in the contact form or in an e-mail;
  8. g) by sending a complaint, application, inquiry or letter of a different nature;
  9. h) by voluntarily entered information in an e-mail sent in connection with the desire to establish cooperation;
  10. i) through cookies, pixels or similar internet technologies.


  1. Please be advised that the purpose and scope of data processed by the Administrator results from the consent of the Visitor to the Website or the Customer or the law, and in selected cases it is further specified as a result of actions taken by these persons in the Online Store or other communication channels.


  1. Providing personal data by the Visitor or the Customer of the Online Store is voluntary, but necessary in order to use certain functionalities of the Online Store (e.g. placing an Order by the Customer and its settlement, registering a Customer Account, subscribing to the newsletter or using contact forms).


  1. Each time, the scope of the required data to conclude an appropriate contract is indicated previously in the Online Store (we mark the data the provision of which is necessary to conclude the contract / use a specific functionality), as part of other communication channels with the Visitor or Customer or in the Regulations. The consequence of not providing personal data may be the inability to effectively use the functionality of the Website, e.g. the inability to place an order.


  1. Your personal data is obtained by the Administrator for the following purpose:





Purpose of processing

Legal basis

A legitimate purpose, if any

Keeping statistics

art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR

Having information about the statistics of our activities, which allows us to improve our business activities.

Conducting marketing activities of own products and services without the use of electronic communication means

art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR

Conducting marketing activities promoting the conducted activity.

Conducting marketing activities of own products and services with the use of electronic communication means, including profiling.

art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR, but these activities due to other applicable provisions,

in particular, the Telecommunications Law and the Act on the provision of electronic services, are carried out only on the basis of the consents (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).


Conducting marketing activities promoting the conducted activity with the use of e-mail addresses. Presenting advertisements, adjusting discounts and promotions.


Handling of notifications sent using the contact form, e-mail messages, complaints and other requests.    

art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR,

art. 6 sec. 1 lit. c GDPR

Providing answers to requests and inquiries sent using the contact form or in another form, including storing sensitive requests and responses, in order to maintain the principle of accountability. Handling applications, answering consumer complaints. Pursuing claims, including from third parties, defense by them.

Posting a comment by a Website user or opinion

art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR

Establishing a dialogue with the user, consumer opinion research.

Customer Account Service

art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR,


conclusion and implementation of the Agreement for the Provision of Services (Account) or taking action at the request of the future Customer before its conclusion.

Conclusion and implementation of the Sales Agreement 

art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR,


conclusion and implementation of the Sales Agreement or taking action at the request of the future Customer before its conclusion.

Archiving of sales documents.

Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. c GDPR

Fulfilling legal obligations resulting from regulations, e.g. tax and accounting, especially in the case of paid contracts.


  1. In the case of an adult Customer or an adult Visitor of the Website, with his additional consent, Personal Data may also be processed for the purpose of presenting, creating, granting, and implementing advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts) dedicated to a given Customer regarding the Administrator's products or services and his partners, tailored to their preferences as much as possible (profiling), as a result of automated decision-making, which may have legal effects on them or similarly significantly affect them, e.g. through a short-term discount dedicated exclusively to such a person on a specific product, which recently browsed in our Online Store (option not available to people who are underage or are of legal age, but have not consented to such action).



  1. Feedback. If you want to add your opinion about the product on our website, you must complete the form and enter your e-mail address and name. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to add an opinion. In this case, your data is processed in order to enable the process of posting an opinion, and the basis for processing is art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR, i.e. your consent resulting from the willingness to put it on the Website.

The data will be processed for the duration of the opinion on the blog, unless you ask for the removal of the opinion in advance, which will delete your data from the database.

You can correct your data assigned to the opinion at any time, as well as request its removal. You also have the right to transfer the data contained in art. 20 GDPR.


  1. E-mail contact. By contacting us via e-mail, including sending an inquiry via the contact form, you provide us with your e-mail address as the sender's address. In addition, you can also include other personal data in the text of the message. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to contact us.

In this case, your data is processed in order to contact you, and the basis for processing is art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR, i.e. your consent resulting from your willingness to contact. The legal basis for processing after the end of contact is the justified purpose of archiving correspondence for internal purposes (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR).

The content of the correspondence may be archived and we are not able to clearly determine when it will be deleted. You have the right to request a history of correspondence with us (if it was subject to archiving), as well as request its removal, unless its archiving is justified due to our overriding interests.


  1. Customer account. By creating a Customer Account on our Website, you provide us with your name and e-mail address. It is voluntary, but necessary for the successful registration of a Customer Account.

In this case, your data is processed in order to maintain a Customer Account, and the basis for processing is art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR, i.e. your consent resulting from the will to establish it.

The data will be processed as long as you have a Customer Account, unless you ask for its deletion in advance, which will delete your data from the database.

You can rectify your data assigned to the Customer Account at any time, as well as request their removal. You also have the right to transfer the data contained in art. 20 GDPR.

As part of creating a Customer Account, you can - but do not have to - subscribe to the newsletter service.





  1. The personal data administrator may process the following categories of personal data:
  2. a) personal data provided in the form when registering a Customer Account, placing Orders in the Online Store, in particular: name and surname; e-mail adress; contact telephone number; address of residence [street, house number, apartment number, postal code, city, country], bank account number, and in the case of non-consumer customers, additionally the company name and tax identification number [NIP] and other data collected while using the Online Store or the Account The customer;
  3. b) personal data provided for the purpose of using the newsletter, provided when using the contact form, sent via e-mail; whether provided when submitting complaints, complaints or requests, in particular: name and surname; e-mail adress; contact telephone number; address [street, house number, apartment number, zip code, city, country], bank account number;
  4. c) personal data provided for the purpose of posting an opinion about the product: name and surname, e-mail address;
  5. d) personal data provided in order to participate in competitions:: name and surname; e-mail adress; contact telephone number; address of residence [street, house number, apartment number, zip code, city, country];
  6. e) other data, in particular obtained based on the Customer's activity on the Internet, including those obtained via the Online Store or other communication channels with the Customer, using cookies and similar technologies.




  1. Your personal data may be processed by our partners and subcontractors, i.e. entities whose services we use to process data and provide services to you. To the best of our knowledge, all entities entrusted with the processing of personal data guarantee the application of appropriate measures for the protection and security of personal data required by law.


  1. Your personal data may be transferred by the Administrator:
  2. a) state authorities or other entities authorized under the provisions of law, in order to fulfill our obligations (Tax Office, Social Insurance Institution, GIODO, Police, prosecutor's office, President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection - if they ask the Administrator for it);
  3. b) The Administrator's partners may participate in the processing of personal data to a limited extent, in particular who technically help to efficiently run the Online Store (e.g. support us in sending e-mails, and in the case of advertising activities - also in marketing campaigns), hosting service providers or ICT services, carriers or intermediaries delivering Orders, entities handling electronic payments or payment by credit card in the Online Store, companies that service the software, support the Administrator in marketing campaigns, as well as providers of legal and advisory services and external accounting;
  4. c) in addition, we may share fully anonymised data (such that cannot identify you) with entities with whom we cooperate.


  1. As part of marketing (advertising) activities, the Administrator uses the services of third parties that use cookies, pixels or marketing functions similar to cookies in the Online Store. The catalog of these entities is indicated in detail in § 8 of this Policy.


  1. Our suppliers are based mainly in Poland or other countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), and, for example, in the case of Google Analytics, they are based outside the EEA. In connection with the content of the CJEU judgment Schrems II (C-311/18), we have turned on the anonymization of your IP numbers - we do not transfer this data to the USA. The other data sent to Google does not have the characteristics of personal data, i.e. it is not possible to identify a specific natural person on its basis.





  1. The administrator will only store your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and / or to meet legal and regulatory requirements. After this period, the Administrator will safely delete your personal data.


  1. We store the data for the periods indicated below:


Data related to the sales procedure

5 years

Data for marketing purposes

In the case of data processing on the basis of consent - until its withdrawal.

In the case of data processing on the basis of a legitimate purpose - until an objection is raised.

Data provided using the contact form, e-mail.

For a period of 3 years in order to comply with the principle of accountability.

Data included in the comments

In the case of data processing on the basis of consent - until its withdrawal. In the case of data processing on the basis of a legitimate purpose - until an objection is raised.

Data contained in the opinions

In the case of data processing on the basis of consent - until its withdrawal. In the case of data processing on the basis of a legitimate purpose - until an objection is raised.

Personal data related to cookies and similar functions

Until these files are deleted using the website / browser / device settings (while deleting files is not always the same as deleting Personal Data obtained through these files - then personal data will be deleted until an objection is raised)

Data provided during the complaint procedure and other procedures related to the Customer's claims

5 years

Remaining data category (with the exception of cookie data, more about that in our Cookie Policy)

5 years



  1. In each case, personal data will also be stored when the law (e.g. accounting or tax regulations) obliges the Administrator to process them; we will store personal data longer in the event that the Customer has any claims against the Administrator, in order to pursue claims by the Administrator, or to assert or defend against claims of third parties, for the period of limitation specified by law, in particular the Civil Code.


  1. Depending on the scope of personal data and the purposes of their processing, they may therefore be stored for a different period. In each case, the longer period of storage of personal data is decisive.






Pursuant to Art. 15 GDPR, you have the right to obtain information from the Personal Data Administrator as to whether your personal data is being processed.


If the Administrator processes your personal data, then you have the right to:

  1. a) access to personal data;
  2. b) obtain information about the purposes of processing, categories of personal data being processed, recipients or categories of recipients of these data, the planned period of storage of your data or the criteria for determining this period, your rights under the GDPR and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, the sources of these data, about automated decision-making, including profiling, and about the security measures used in connection with the transfer of this data outside the European Union;
  3. c) obtain a copy of your personal data.


In addition, you can ask for the correction of personal data (Article 16 of the GDPR), the deletion of personal data (Article 17 of the GDPR), object to the processing of personal data (Article 21 of the GDPR) and, if technically feasible, request personal data provided to another organization (Article 20 of the GDPR).


In connection with the right to be forgotten, the Administrator will update or delete your data, unless it has a legal obligation to keep it for the purposes of conducting business or complying with the law. In some cases, you have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data (Article 18 of the GDPR). You can also contact the Administrator if you have any reservations about the method of collecting, storing or using your personal data.


The administrator tries to immediately consider all requests regarding the above-mentioned operations on your personal data, but no later than within 30 days from the receipt of the request. Due to the complex nature of the request, the Administrator has the right to consider your requests within 30 days, of which he will inform the User in advance.


The controller endeavors to finally investigate the complaints, but if you are still dissatisfied with the response received, you can lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority of the local data protection authority. In Poland, the supervisory body within the meaning of the GDPR is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, who replaced GIODO on May 25, 2018.






  1. Our website, like almost all other websites, uses cookies. The cookie policy applies to both Customers of the Online Store and Visitors to the Online Store, i.e. users who browse the Store's content but do not make purchases.
  2. The website also uses functionalities similar to cookies. Therefore, individual provisions of the Cookie Policy should also be applied accordingly to these technologies.
  3. The selected cookies process your personal data. The processing of personal data from cookies or similar technologies on our Website is carried out for the purposes of ensuring the functioning of the Website, adapting the Website to the preferences of the Visitor and the Customer, or for analytical purposes. Processing is based on our legitimate interest. The legal basis for the processing of personal data for advertising purposes and connecting with social media will be your additional consent, expressed by making a selection and checking the checkbox during the process of consenting to cookies.
  4. When a Visitor uses the Online Store, cookies are used to identify his browser or device - cookies collect various types of information, which, as a rule, does not constitute personal data. Some information, depending on their content and method of use, may, however, be associated with a specific person - assigning certain behaviors to a specific Visitor or Customer, e.g. by linking them to the data provided when registering an Account in the Online Store, or a specific e-mail address - and thus be considered personal data.
  5. In relation to information collected by cookies that may be associated with a specific person, the provisions of the Online Store Privacy Policy relating to personal data, in particular regarding the rights of the data subject, apply.




  1. These principles of the Privacy Policy are valid from August 31, 2021.


  1. The Administrator declares that he has the right to amend this document for important reasons, including:
  2. a) changes to the applicable regulations, in particular in the field of GDPR, telecommunications law, services provided electronically and regulating consumer rights, affecting the rights and obligations of the Administrator or the rights and obligations of the data subject;
  3. b) the development of electronic functionalities or services caused by the progress of internet technology, including the implementation of new IT, technological or technical solutions on the Website, affecting the scope of this Privacy Policy.


  1. The Administrator undertakes to inform the Users about any changes in advance, allowing them to read the content of the changed document, e.g. by placing the consolidated text of the Privacy Policy on the home page of the Website.